This page includes materials to teach quality monitoring and improvement to social service professionals. They are the materials I use to teach a course on this topic at the University of Chicago's School of Social Service Administration. These materials were created with the intention of sharing them with others who are interested in teaching similar courses in quality in academic or agency settings. This page only includes resources created by our group at the University of Chicago. It does not include any other resources created by other folks. You can also use the resources included on other pages in this website.
Some of this work was supported by a grant from the Center for Health Administration Studies at the University of Chicago through the Scholar Network to Advance Quality Service.
The course I teach is divided into parts and modules. There is a pdf for each module, which corresponds to slides used in the course I teach. The blue links are to the pdf documents.
Thanks -- Curtis McMillen
Part I: The Quality Profession
History of the Quality Profession
Part II: Monitoring Social Service Agencies for Quality
Quality Monitoring:Performance Management Systems, Dasboards and the like
Quality Monitoring: Surveys and chart review technologies
Quality Monitoring: Understanding Variation and other topics
Other teaching resources for teaching monitoring
Mega-Monitoring Assignment Example 1 by Danielle Kurpad and Curtis McMillen
Mega Monitoring Project Example 2 by Paige Azuma
quality checklist for assessment and tx plans
Part III: Improving Quality
Quality Improvement part 1: Frameworks, Cycles, and Teams
Quality Improvement part 2: Tools
Quality Improvement part 3: Generating Improvement Ideas
Quality Improvement part 4: Thinking Lean
Quality Improvement part 5: Implementation