Bob Lloyd Rocks the Whiteboard with Quality Learning

I continue to hear from people that they don't know where they can learn the science of quality in an economical way. It really is here on the web for all of us, not always in an organized way, but the pieces are all here. Today's example comes from quality genius, statistician and all around nice Chicago guy, Robert Lloyd. He has created a series of white board lectures to demonstrate key quality constructs.

lloyd whiteboard lectureAnd they are on the web. For free. And quite good.

Bob turns on the video camera, steps up to a whiteboard and starts talking and drawing quality concepts and tools. They are part of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement's Open School.  I must admit I never quite understood who was allowed to use the open school materials (my introduction to them suggested they were for educational institutions not formally teaching quality), but it does sound like it really is open these days. Go for it.

The quality community a gracious one. While it grew up around gurus with big consulting contracts and fortunes were made, todays quality scientists share the bounty. Our QI resources page and forces for good pages prove that point. They aren't just offering teaser products (OK,  some of ASQ's Quality TV episodes seem like blatant teasers).  People are not just putting their own stuff out there. Many of these players are creating free content for beginners and others in the quality field because they have found things that have worked for them and want to you to be able to make things better in your worlds of influence.

It is a spirit shared here. If you have a quality resource for the social service community, let us know. Thanks to blog reader Laura Botwinick for sending the whiteboard lectures our way.

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