Start a Blog, They Said

At the 2013 Society for Social Work and Research meeting in San Diego, Tina Rzepnicki and Curtis McMillen hosted a dinner of social work academics and leaders to discuss what to do, in the most general terms, about social service quality.

We bemoaned the lack of an outcry for quality in the social services, like there was for other industries, like healthcare or nuclear power. People, we knew, we injured by poor social services and saved by terrific social services.

Where should we start, this group asked, to spark a quality revolution in the social services? How do we generate notice, propose solutions, point people toward resources? How do we build a cadre of social service professionals who work to measure quality, monitor quality, improve quality? How do we leverage advances in evidence-based practice, evidence-based management, quality science and implementation science?

Of all the ideas generated, one was easiest to accomplish. Start a website.

So here it is, just two weeks later, a website,  its eyes not yet fully open, and its promise not yet sullied by complexity and competing interests. But look at those claws.kitten canstockphoto4976675

This kitty ain't backing down.




Posted in mission permalink

About Curtis McMillen

Curtis McMillen is a professor in the School of Social Service Administration at the University of Chicago. He square dances. He is a lousy event planner. He eats too much peanut butter.

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